We are excited to be able to offer full obstetric care. This includes first trimester care, through to birth and the postnatal period. At the centre of care is the expectant mother. Our approach is calm, gentle and confident. We will work closely with you to help you make informed decisions and actively plan your pregnancy and delivery management.
Read our FAQs below in full, then complete the application form:
To give everyone who wishes to have private obstetric care via Wellington Obstetrics an equal opportunity to come under our care.
A dating scan to confirm an ongoing pregnancy is best performed between 6 and 7 weeks gestation. We require a dating scan to confirm your due date as we take limited numbers each month. Please ensure we receive a copy of your scan report.
Due to the nature of obstetric work you may not hear from us for up to 10 working days. Please do not be alarmed, we may just have had a flux of deliveries.
If you are under the care of Wellington Obstetrics your first appointment with our Obstetricians will be between 9 and 11 weeks gestation.
Up to nine months of obstetric care. All obstetric and midwifery antenatal clinics, regardless of complexity. 24-hour private obstetric and midwifery coverage for antenatal and delivery periods. Delivery care and assistance if required (e.g. caesarean or instrumental delivery). Four weeks of postnatal midwifery care. Six-week obstetric check.
What is not covered: NIPT testing. 12 and 20-week scans are at a private imaging provider
There are two main reasons. Firstly, we are committed to providing individualised and safe care for our women, babies and their family. In order to do so, there is only a limited number of clients we can look after. Secondly, you may also be aware that over the last few years, the number of Private Obstetricians available in Wellington has dropped. To try and create a sustainable job our Obstetricians operate in a group practice. We have to ensure that there is a safe patient load during these times.
We are sorry if we have already reached capacity. We wish we could take everyone who wants our care. There are very good midwifery-led providers in the Wellington Region. If your pregnancy or labour develops a complication, there are public Obstetricians available to guide you through this.
NB: Abuse of staff will not be tolerated. We understand it may be stressful for some not being able to be guaranteed the model of care you would like. Calling and abusing staff will result in your application not being considered, you will have to find care elsewhere.
Alternatively, you can download and fill-in the PDF application form here, and return to us by email.