

We appreciate your application for our full obstetric care services.

Given the nature of obstetrics, we aim to get back to you within 2-10 working days. In some instances, it might take a few days longer, don’t be alarmed, as we may just have had an influx of deliveries.

As part of our process, we kindly request a dating scan to confirm your due date. Since we have limited places in our full-obstetrics care available each month, this scan is crucial to secure your spot. Please ask your provider to send a copy to reception@wellingtonobstetrics.co.nz.

If you have any questions in the meantime, reach out via the contact details below:

Phone +64 4 974 4480
Email reception@wellingtonobstetrics.co.nz


Our clinic is located at 155 The Terrace on Level 11 at Radio New Zealand Building.

There is parking available on the street (time limits will apply) and there are many parking buildings conveniently located along The Terrace. Bus stops are closely located to this location.

The clinic hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.